Health Ministry
“In the morning, Jesus came down from the mountain; then a great crowd of His disciples and a great multitude of people from all Judea, Jerusalem and the cost of Tyre and Sidon followed Him. They had come to hear Him and to be healed of their diseases. All in the crowd were trying to touch Him, for power came out from Him and healed all of them” (Lk6: 17-19). Jesus, the Supreme healer has called us the Daughters of Presentation of Mary to offer health care services also to the poor and socially marginalized who lack basic medical care.
We the DPMT Sisters offer health Care service to the poor and socially marginalized who lack basic medical care. In the Social surroundings in which we work we encouraged respect for the person and for human life and, in the light of the Gospel, communicate a new way of living and participating in human suffering. Where ever possible we collaborate with ecclesial bodies for health care Ministry.
We started Archana Hospital, Perumpunna in the year 1978 with a view of extending medical care for the rural people. Down through the years, it served the society with good health care services especially in ophthalmology department. Now along with the department of Ophthalmology, we have paediatric, general medicine, gynaecology etc. and moreover, the service of RMO is available for 24hrs a day. Our sisters in different parts of India are engaged in health ministry in other hospitals, clinics, in schools and through organising rural medical camps and palliative care services.