M. Teodolinda Venegoni

Born on this earth on 1st June 1914 at Marnate, Lombardia, Italy, Mother Teodolinda Venegoni lived as the beloved child of God. At the age of 18, she joined the Presentation family in order to respond to God’s call. She lived the spirit of the Founders and the ideals of the first Superior General Francesca Marchesoli. She had taken to heart the mission of the DPMT – Accipe. In fact she was a born teacher; she worked as an excellent and outstanding teacher to motivate and guide the students entrusted to her.
But she fell ill as stricken by TB and could not continue in her teaching profession for long. During the General Chapter conducted in the year 1959 she was elected as the 6th Superior General of DPMT. She committed herself for the great vision she had about the Congregation. Inspired by the exhortation of the Second Vatican council to accept the Missionary Mandate of Jesus to go out to the whole world and proclaim the Gospel, Mother Teodolinda met in person Mar Sebastian Valloppilly the first bishop of Tellichery Diocese. He agreed to send girls from his Diocese to receive formation of the DPMT and Mother agreed to send them back to begin the mission in India. The first group of girls aspiring to become religious reached in Italy in the year 1963. They received formation and guidance in the Charism and mission of the Presentation. Mother Teodolinda had clear vision, understanding and wisdom. She took special care for their spiritual formation and professional studies. After due preparation and much prayer she sent Sr. Lucina, Sr. Lorenza, two Italian sisters; then Srs. Agnes and Leticia two Indians to Kerala in 1968. They were welcomed whole heartedly by the people and the Diocese. Thus in Perumpunna, the first community in India was established.
Meanwhile Mother Teodolinda was diagnosed as having cancer, but she accepted it with serenity and uttered ‘Thy Will be Done’! She entrusted the Congregation at the feet of God especially the Indian Mission. On 6th November 1970 she bade farewell to all her dear sisters and flew to her beloved Spouse in the eternal abode.
She was always happy and smiling, contented, loved and respected wherever she went. She was thoughtful, loving and kind. She left a beautiful, ever living and untarnished memory behind.